In an official statement shared on Telegram, the group described its declaration as a “warning” to Israel, stating that it was allowing mediators “ample time to pressure the occupation [Israel] into fulfilling its obligations.”
It further mentioned that the “door remains open” for the upcoming scheduled releases on Saturday.
This suggests that the group is allowing time for the deadlock to be resolved.
But what exactly is causing the deadlock?
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Hamas has outlined multiple grievances, including delays in the return of displaced individuals, ongoing attacks against them, and restrictions on specific types of humanitarian aid.
Meanwhile, other Palestinian representatives, unaffiliated with Hamas, have pointed to Israel’s unwillingness to permit caravans into Gaza, which are intended to shelter the vast number of Palestinians who have lost their homes.
At a time when Israeli authorities are openly discussing ways to encourage civilians to leave Gaza, the refusal to approve permits for desperately needed temporary housing is likely to heighten Palestinian concerns about forced displacement.
These fears are further intensified almost daily by Donald Trump.
What initially seemed like an offhand remark suggesting that most Palestinians should leave while the Gaza Strip is being rebuilt has now evolved into a firm stance—one where the president insists that all Palestinians should depart and that the US should assume control of Gaza.
As Trump continues to reinforce his controversial proposition, Hamas may be questioning whether it is worthwhile to proceed with the second phase of ceasefire negotiations. What is the purpose of these discussions?
If Trump’s stance is genuine, Palestinians recognize that Israel would be responsible for ensuring Gaza is emptied of civilians. Simply denying them shelter would not suffice. Achieving such an outcome would almost certainly necessitate the use of force.
Now, Trump has declared that if all the hostages currently held in Gaza are not released by Saturday, he will propose ending the ceasefire and that “all hell” will break out.
However, he clarified that he was expressing his personal opinion and that “Israel can override it.”